
Rotator Cuff
How Long Will I Be Out of Golf and Tennis After a Rotator Cuff Repair?

How Long Will I Be Out of Golf and Tennis After a Rotator Cuff Repair?

One of the most common questions the Ashford Orthopedics Specialists team gets after a rotator cuff surgery is: How long before I can play tennis or golf again? And to that, we have follow-up questions: How big was your rotator cuff tear? What techniques were used to fix it? Were there any other procedures performed along with it? All this information will help us give you the best and safest possible answer. Keep reading to learn more about recovery times for this type of surgery.

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Manual vs. Robotic Knee Replacement
Manual vs. Robotic Knee Replacement

Manual vs. Robotic Knee Replacement

For people with severe knee joint damage or advanced arthritis, total knee replacement surgery can be a common procedure. Traditionally, during the surgery a surgeon uses tools to remove the damaged parts within the joint and replaces them with an artificial implant. In recent years, however, manual surgery is the less preferred option as robotic-assisted surgery emerged.

What is this new technique and how does it compare with the traditional method? We are breaking down how the two approaches are similar and differ in this article.

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Cryotherapy after shoulder surgery

Cryotherapy after shoulder surgery

Cryotherapy is a therapeutic technique that involves localized cooling of the body. It has gained popularity for postsurgical rehabilitation because it induces a reduction in cellular metabolism, vasoconstriction, and pain relief. As a result, it is a go-to option for managing postoperative (PO) shoulder pain.

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Top 5 Benefits Cycling Has for Your Body

Top 5 Benefits Cycling Has for Your Body

We all know exercise can do wonders for our health. It can help us lose weight, gain muscle mass, improve our moods and quality of sleep, and much more. Nevertheless, choosing what physical activity to do isn’t always clear.

At Ashford Orthopedic Specialists, we focus on bone, muscle, and joint health, and on patient well-being through techniques that will do their body good. In this article, we will explore why cycling can be a good exercise for you, especially if you’re dealing with joint issues like chronic pain or arthritis.

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